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Rideshare Accident Attorney in Boca Raton, Florida

Man driving car with GPS on phoneA growing number of people use ride-sharing apps each month. Some people may only use rideshare apps while traveling, but others use them daily for their commutes. Between 2015 and 2018, the percentage of people using ride-sharing apps jumped from 15% to 36%. That is more than double in just three years. In an industry that is growing this fast and adding new features like renting other people’s cars to drive yourself, more accidents have occurred and will continue to occur. How do you handle this strange combination of an individual using their own personal vehicle to transport people they don’t know for money? Because of these unique circumstances, it is important that you have attorneys who practice in this area and can help protect you and your rights.

Since Florida is a known vacation destination, people are using rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft more than the average state. Goldblatt Law PLLC is experienced in handling rideshare accident cases and will represent you in your case. Call us today at 561-868-2000 or visit us online to schedule your free consultation regarding a potential rideshare accident claim or personal injury lawsuit.

Information Center

⦁ What Steps Should You Take Right After A Florida Rideshare Accident?

⦁ Who Can You Sue For A Rideshare Accident?

⦁ What Law Governs Rideshare Accidents?

⦁ How Much Compensation Can I Receive?

⦁ Types Of Compensation

⦁ Can I Afford To Hire An Attorney If Injured In An Accident Involving A Rideshare Vehicle?

⦁ Rideshare Accident Attorneys Can Help You Win Compensation In Your Uber Or Lyft Accident

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What Steps Should You Take Right After A Florida Rideshare Accident? 

As soon as possible after an accident, you should take certain steps to ensure you are eligible to receive compensation for injuries that are someone else’s fault. It may be difficult to remember these steps right after an accident. But if you can remember to do as many as possible, you will give yourself the strongest odds of receiving fair compensation for a crash. 

Step 1 – Make Sure Everyone Is Safe And Seek Medical Attention 

Your first priority is the safety of all involved—yourself, as well as all drivers and passengers involved in the crash. Make sure everyone is safe and call 911 for immediate medical attention if someone needs an ambulance.  

Even if you aren’t in immediate pain, still make sure to go to the doctor or hospital and get checked out. This is a critical step. By professionally diagnosing your injuries, you can link them to the crash. This will make it easier when we are trying to bring a lawsuit or negotiate a settlement. Even if you think you only received minor scrapes and bruises, getting checked out by a medical professional can save your life from other underlying issues you may not be able to see or feel. 

Step 2 – Gather Information 

If you can, gather the information of everyone involved: 

  • Name 

  • Contact information 

  • Insurance coverage information 

  • Phone number or email 

At a minimum, request this information from drivers and passengers of all vehicles involved, as well as any witnesses that may have observed the crash. Be sure to get driver’s license and registration information from any driver. 

Step 3 – Make A Record Of The Scene 

The sooner you can take pictures and videos of the scene, the better and more likely you will be able to use these photos as evidence in your lawsuit. The law enforcement officers that respond to the accident will also write a report, but your additional pictures and description of what happened may be more detailed and more valuable than the police accident report. 

Record the following, if possible: 

  • Pictures of the accident scene 

  • The time and exact location of the accident 

  • Screenshot your ride status within the app 

  • Save any other information or communication you may have had with the driver prior to your ride 

  • Sustained injuries 

  • Damage caused to other motorists, pedestrians, or property 

  • Any witness testimony after talking with witnesses 

Step 4 – Contact A Rideshare Accident Attorney 

After the commotion of an accident has calmed down and you have been treated by medical professionals, connect with a rideshare accident attorney. It is essential that you consult with an attorney before offering a statement to anyone, especially an attorney or insurance adjuster employed by the rideshare company. Their job is to make sure you don’t recover as much as you could, so by saying one wrong sentence, you could jeopardize your case.  

Goldblatt Law PLLC can help you navigate your case. Schedule your free consultation by calling us today at 561-868-2000 or visiting us online

Who Can You Sue For A Rideshare Accident? 

After an accident, the entire occurrence seems chaotic. Once you ensure that you and your loved ones are okay and seek medical treatment, you may start to wonder who is responsible for the pain that you have endured. If you were a passenger in an Uber or Lyft, you may be able to sue the driver and maybe even the rideshare company. If you were in a car struck by a rideshare driver, you can sue that driver. 

Rideshare companies require that their drivers carry insurance to compensate victims like you. Now, neither company is just looking to hand out that money. You will need the help of an experienced attorney to make sure you receive what you are entitled to. With help from an attorney, you can make a claim against potentially both insurance policies and even file a lawsuit if it is in your best interest. 

What Law Governs Rideshare Accidents? 

In May 2017, Florida’s governor signed into law House Bill 221, commonly known as the Uber/Lyft bill. This bill sets requirements for rideshare companies operating within the state. One of the main requirements is that rideshare drivers carry minimum insurance on their vehicle when they are logged into the app and waiting for passengers or when they have passengers in the vehicle. 

The amount of insurance available will depend on whether the driver is using the vehicle for personal or business use. If the driver isn’t logged onto the app, then the policy won’t cover the wreck. Instead, it is as if you were hit by any regular driver on the road. But if the driver is logged in, or if they have accepted a ride, then more insurance is available. 

As rideshare popularity increases, we anticipate more legislation in Florida. Our attorneys stay on the cutting edge and up to date on all rideshare regulations. 

How Much Compensation Can I Receive? 

The amount of compensation you receive depends on several factors. The amount you receive should cover expenses and losses caused by the accident. Some of the factors that determine how much money you might receive are: 

  • Injuries caused 

  • At-fault party or parties 

  • Amount of insurance of the driver 

  • Amount of additional insurance of the company 

  • When the accident happened 

  • Value of work missed 

  • Long-term effects 

Your attorney will look at these factors as well as similar cases to help you set a realistic expectation for the amount of compensation you may receive.  

Types Of Compensation 

There are many different types of compensation, and each comes with its own set of rules and requirements for when and how you may receive each type. An attorney will guide you in understanding which kinds of compensation you may qualify for.  

You may be able to seek compensation for: 

  • Medical Expenses – If you were injured in the accident, you might be entitled to the cost of your care both now and in the future. Examples include medical expenses, hospital stays, prescription bills, doctor’s bills, and more. 

  • Pain and Suffering – These are damages that replace the “other” parts of your life. This includes emotional distress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

  • Property Damages – Typically, this is compensation that you may receive if your vehicle is damaged. 

  • Lost Wages – This is compensation for the money you have lost by not being able to work because of the crash. 

  • Lost Earning Potential – If you cannot earn as much income now as you previously could due to the accident, you may be able to claim lost earning potential. 

By analyzing your life before and after the accident and combining the above types of compensation, an attorney will help you determine the best way for you to be made whole again. 

Can I Afford To Hire An Attorney If Injured In An Accident Involving A Rideshare Vehicle? 

After you have been injured in a rideshare accident, you will likely have to deal with numerous insurance companies. Insurance companies are known for hiring lawyers who work night and day to keep you from receiving full compensation. A rideshare accident lawyer knows how to take on the big corporate insurance attorneys to make sure your personal injury claim is taken seriously. 

At Goldblatt Law PLLC, we accept rideshare accident cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that we cover all of the costs of the lawsuit, and we only get paid if we win. You will not have to provide any upfront fees for us to start working on your case. With this agreement, we fully shoulder all the risk. If we lose your case, we simply don’t get paid. As a result, we do everything in our power to make sure you receive full and fair compensation. We understand that after an accident, you will have other financial obligations to take care of and may possibly be out of work. Let us serve you and make sure you are compensated for your injuries. 

Rideshare Accident Attorneys Can Help You Win Compensation In Your Uber Or Lyft Accident 

Speak with a personal injury attorney if you have sustained injuries by an Uber or Lyft driver. Goldblatt Law PLLC has successfully pursued many accident claims and lawsuits for victims in Florida. We know what it takes to negotiate with these companies and how to put our client’s interests first to help ensure they receive the compensation they deserve.  

Our attorneys have specialized knowledge to be able to find all the facts of your case and ensure they are presented in a clear and convincing fashion to the insurance companies and potentially the court. During our consultation, we will provide you with an accurate estimate of how long your case will take and the amount of damages you may expect to receive. Visit us online to schedule your free consultation, or call us today at 561-868-2000.